Adventures in DIY

We’ve been in our new house for just over 3 weeks and things are settling down a little bit. It will be some time before we’re really happy with the new premises but we’ll get there. We’ve met a couple of the neighbours and learned that one of them was the man who did our annual pest inspection. It’s a small world.

We’ve started on making some improvements. There’s not enough storage space in the bathrooms – when we remodelled the bathrooms in our old house, we added shaving mirror cabinets above larger vanities and when we moved, all the stuff from both was shoved in the cabinets and drawers of the smaller vanities in the new house. It was all very untidy, so we bought mirror cabinets from Bunnings (large hardware chain).

Now to fit them.

A month ago, Pete had a heap of tools to do stuff. But now, we needed to improvise. Just as well we kept some of our books. Instead of a couple of pieces of wood cut to size to support the cabinet while Pete drilled holes, we stacked books to the right height. I’m sorry I didn’t take a picture. That done, we had to hang the doors. One of them was easy – catch the brackets on the frame with the matching brackets on the door and Bob’s your uncle. The other door caused a great deal of swearing and sweating. In the end, Pete took the brackets off the door, fitted them, then screwed the brackets back on the door. Be warned, folks. Cibo units are a PITA to hang. The other bathroom will have a Mondella unit, which has a much simpler system. It’s cheaper, too.

Old ensuite – that extra shelf was necessary
The new black handles add a bit of class.

Remember I said the Mondella system was much simpler? I lied. The problem was finding wall studs in the right places. In short, there weren’t any. So Pete improvised, setting up wooden slats to handle the weight of the cabinet. Fingers crossed it all works and we aren’t woken in the dead of night by a fallen wall cabinet.

WIP on the main bathroom

Meanwhile, we’re finding some fascinating plants in the new garden. This stunning flower is a walking iris. The flower is very short-lived – just a day – but it’s spectacular.

And here’s a picture of a pale-headed rosella. They come to visit at our new house. We’ve continued the previous owners’ habit of putting out seed for them. And in the not-too-distant future, I’d like to put up a birdbath. We were told these birds had raised a family in one of the two nesting boxes. Let’s hope it happens again.

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