Let’s shoot ourselves in the foot

There’s an election coming up here in Queensland this month. According to the polls the Labor Party’s ten-year hold on power is going to come to a crashing end and not before time as far as this household is concerned. Mind you, we’re not too impressed with the Leader of the Opposition, The Liberal National Party’s Crisafulli, who come’s across as changing his mind along with the opinion polls, but anything’s better than ‘Giggles’ Miles, who’s only there because of his Union mates.

At least, that was the thinking before a bunch of males in the LNP and the conservative Katter party decided that Queensland’s current abortion laws, passed in 2018, needed to be overhauled. At present, a woman can legally seek a termination to her pregnancy up to 22 weeks. After that point, two medical practitioners need to sign off on the procedure. Very civilised.

It’s not entirely clear what the conservative MPs are proposing but in an article in The Australian newspaper “LNP frontbencher Tony Perrett said he believed life was created at conception, had voted against decriminalising the procedure in 2018 and “would continue to do so”.

So once again we have a bunch of blokes in business suits or Akubras telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Unbelievable. Let’s forget about the cost of living, lack of public housing, the groaning health system, and youth crime. Let’s pinpoint an issue that is usually decided on a conscience vote and see if we can manage to alienate enough of our voters (many women) to distort the election so Giggles and his union mates get across the line.

I don’t like what’s happening in Australian society. In particular, the growth of antisemitism frightens me. Imams celebrated the anniversary of the despicable attacks on 7 October last year, when 1,200 Israeli civilians were tortured, raped, and murdered, and hostages were taken back to Gaza. When Israel’s forces assassinated a prominent leader of Hamas recently, crowds of supporters marched in the streets of Sydney and Melbourne waving Hamas and ISIS flags, and carrying pictures of the slain man. And then a number of masked ‘students’ invaded the office of an elderly Jewish physics professor. Here’s the story according to 3AW.

The Australian reported “At the latest protest, students affixed stickers in the office that accused Professor Prawer of being a “war criminal” and saying “Zionists are genocidal maniacs” – and then shared the images on social media. About a dozen protesters appeared to be sitting around his office, some masked and draped in Palestinian keffiyeh scarves, chanting for an end to ties with Israeli universities.”

It’s gutless, frightening and straight out of 1930s Germany. Replace the keffiyehs with brown shirts and we know where that led. I think Professor Steven Prawer is old enough to have family and friends who can remember. It seems the cowards at the university have arranged for better security for Professor Prawer but the thugs that carried out this attack will suffer little more than a slap on the wrist with a limp lettuce leaf. I’d like to see then expelled and if they’re on a student visa, pack them off back to where they came from.

This is not the Australia I grew up in.

Reorganising our house continues. We’re still intending to replace the kitchen but we’re looking for a new contractor so that might not be until next year. We’re hoping to have solar panels and hot water fitted before Christmas and we still have to deal with some oversized furniture. But I’m not complaining. We have a house, enough money to pay the bills, and access to health care. That makes us pretty lucky.

He’ll be watching the Bathurst 1000 (motor race) on the TV this weekend. I’m hoping for a bit more peace.

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